About Hayan



Nationality: Syrian

Date of birth: 19-1-1959


About Hayan Farjani:

School Scientists described his works to be Postmodernism.

  • Architectural classified his work as part of the Fauvism Art. He has his unique style according to those historians. He has his own characteristics in which he combines history periods through his works.
  • Hayan’s artistic worksinthe glass and sculpture considered to be under the Surrealism according to many scientific conference one of the most important “Comparison between the artist and Hayan Ferjani artist Salvador Dali in 26-2-2010 Saint Petersburg, Russia”

Featured accomplishments:

The Palmyra tariff: Hayan Farjani has been presented the idea of customer’s clearance law to be applying in its country in 2009.

Current project:

Mediterranean civilizations project.